About Caren
My name is Caren Laverty. I decided to create this female financial blog as a result of my 13 years of experience in the investment business. As an Account Executive, I met with many couples, single women, and widows and it occurred to me how many women shy away from the investment world. They either found it boring or too complicated and filled with way too much terminology to be understood.
This way of thinking makes women vulnerable to unscrupulous sales people willing to sell their own grandmother a bill of goods. Besides, women are the masters of planning. We plan everything! Vacations, dinners, outfits, holiday gatherings, kid’s schedules, the household budget, girl’s night out, your outfit, your spouse’s outfit, your kids’ outfits – just for starters. Why aren’t we more involved in planning the investments we’ll use to fund and secure the various aspects of our lives? Come on girls, we can do better than this!
I’ll be using this blog to teach the basic fundamentals of investing. If you already know the basics, wonderful! There are many complex investing websites and blogs you can use. I hope everyone finds this helpful. Please feel free to request content or give feedback. I’d love to hear from you.